Realize Impact launched its Philanthropic Investment Grant service in the last few days of February, 2020. The purpose was to make it easy for anyone with a donor advised fund, private foundation, or any donor to turn philanthropic giving into impact investments.
Donors love that simplicity. In its first three months, over $1,100,000 of new impact investments have been made, into five organizations.
Africa Eats
Realize Impact has approved a $190,000 investment into Africa Eats.
(UPDATE: Now $290,000, plus another $220,000 due from a co-investor for a total of $510,000).

This company exists to mitigate the pandemic-caused hunger crisis
in Africa, using 30 for-profit graduates of the Fledge accelerator
as the eyes, ears, arms, legs, and investment portfolio to keep the
food supply chain in Africa operating and hunger at bay.
Details on the structure and all the companies on Africa Eats‘ website.
Realize Impact expects to earn a market-rate 3x-10x ROI.
Truss Fund
Realize Impact has invested $660,000 into Beneficial Return‘s Truss Fund.

The Truss Fund is provides emergency, 0% interest loans
of up to $100,000 to market-driven social enterprises
aiming to end global poverty and protect the planet.
The Fund is designed for enterprises that have been
especially hard-hit by the pandemic, and who are graduates
of the GBSI Accelerator at Miller Center.
Realize Impact expects 90%-98% of its capital to be returned
(a loss but a much better return than the 100% loss of philanthropy).
Colorado Lending Source
Realize Impact is investing$105,804 into the PPP fund operated by the Colorado Lending Source.

You’ve read about the SBA’s Payroll Protection Plan in the news. This is a fund to make those loans possible to more Main Street businesses.
1% interest, forgivable loans. 100% guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury.
A no-risk, fully-secured 1% ROI to Realize Impact.
Realize Impact has granted $86,750 to Start.coop.

This is the first (and maybe the only) business accelerator
for scalable cooperative companies.
This is a grant. The goal post-pandemic is to spin up an investment fund.
Realize Impact has invested $65,950 into Fledge.

Prior to the pandemic being daily front-page news, Realize Impact invested in Fledge, the global network of conscious company accelerators.
Fledge is a seed-stage venture capital fund with expected returns that look like other early-stage equity funds.
More to come…
Do you have an impact investment that you’d like to make?
Now you can use your donor advised fund or foundation or a new
tax-deductible charitable gift to easily make a Philanthropic Investment Grant.

You donate. You recommend. We invest. We return 99% of the results.
Contact us to get started.