The 86Fund is an emergency fund that aids independent restaurants—with priority given to those owned by women and minorities—facing unprecedented hardship during the global pandemic.
Support Restaurants
According to Yelp, as reported in ReBusinessonline in September, 61 percent of San Francisco restaurants that closed due to COVID will not reopen.
A gift through the 86Fund will provide vital support to local restaurants over the winter months, when the impact of cold weather and pandemic regulations will significantly restrict business. Whether supporting a local institution or a newcomer to the scene, your tax-deductible gift will support local restaurants in the SF Bay Area. #weatherthewinter #86fund
While we’re supportive of new establishments that will emerge on the other side of the pandemic, we aim to assist in the survival of existing restaurants that have so meaningfully shaped Bay Area dining culture, and demonstrate the social, cultural, and economic impact of their survival.