Between the launch and the close is the raise.
Even impact fund managers with a compelling thesis, a solid pipeline and sometimes an enviable track record spend an inordinate amount of time fundraising. Every day spent pitching or presenting slide decks is a day not spent helping portfolio companies get the resources they need to scale their impact.
Yet angel investors, family offices, financial advisors and wealth managers may not know which firms and fund managers are in the market seeking capital. Lists and rankings may not indicate which funds are open to new investments. A welter of securities laws regulate whether and how fund managers can advertise themselves or “solicit” investments from limited partners.
ImpactAlpha and Realize Impact have partnered to present a monthly Liist of impact funds and companies that, based on public or accessible information, we believe to be in active fundraising mode.

The latest list and archive at impactalpha.com/browse/beats/dealflow/the-liist/. Plus below are some of of the liistings that Realize Impact has already invested in through our philanthropic investing service. If you’ve not seen that, it allows donor-advised funds, family foundations, and other philanthropists to turn their philanthropy into impact investments.