Realize Impact invested $100,000 into Starlight Cardiovascular 15 months ago. Starlight Cardiovascular is developing a portfolio of devices to treat babies born with congenital heart defects.
From their website:
The company is developing much needed tools and devices to treat pediatric congenital heart defects (CHDs). Approximately 1.3 million babies are born each year with a CHD. Most of the tools used to treat these children were designed for adult conditions and anatomy, limiting their utility for pediatric patients. Starlight Cardiovascular is developing a portfolio of devices designed and tested specifically for pediatric CHD with the goals of improving morbidity, mortality, and access to care.
The company has raised the vast majority of the $9 million it is raising to get its products commercialized. Helping that is a $2M+ Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant.
The $100,000 from Realize Impact came from a donation and recommendation from one person’s donor advised fund. If others would like to join in too, that process starts with the form on our INVEST page.