Truss Fund makes loans to social enterprises addressing poverty in the developing world. The fund focuses exclusively on graduates of the GSBI Accelerator, a program of Miller Center at Santa Clara University.
In just the past thirty days Truss Fund has approved a loan to Doselva, a spice business connecting Nicaraguan smallholder farmers to export markets, a loan to All Across Africa, a social enterprise that sells woven home goods produced by over 4,000 women artisans in Rwanda, Uganda and Ghana, and True Moringa, a Ghana-based enterprise reducing poverty and tackling global warming by planting, harvesting and processing moringa trees.

Realize Impact has invested more than $1.4 million towards the Truss Fund’s goal of raising $4 million. If you’d like to invest your philanthropy in social enterprises like Doselva, or if you’d like to co-invest along side us with your savings, let us know.