
The Liist: October 2022

The Liist logo

ImpactAlpha, October 4 – On Last week’s Agents of Impact Call, we heard from first-time, women managers of small impact funds in emerging markets. The takeaway: Write the check. Investment policies that exclude first-time managers exclude deep talent that may find value where other investors don’t know to look. Funds on this month’s edition of The LiiST, prepared with Realize Impact, include...

“BTW, you can use a DAF to invest”

The feeling of using a donor advised fund for investing

DAF = Donor Advised Fund = a private fund administered by a third party and created for the purpose of managing charitable donations on behalf of an organization, a family, or an individual. How does philanthropic investing scale up? It could be from DAF sponsors telling their donors that they can invest, but it is far more likely from the fund raisers adding just one line to their pitch. What...

$18 million

18 million dollar (header)

In the first 30 months Realize Impact’s philanthropic investment grants service has seen: over 200 donor-investors from dozens of community foundations, DAF sponsors, and family foundations donating $18 million… recommending that capital be deployed in 68 unique impact investments. See our blog for details on many of these investments… and if you are looking for ideas on where you can make...

The Liist: September 2022

The Liist logo

ImpactAlpha, September 2 – Get off the sidelines.  For Agents of Impact, helping impact fund managers – and especially first-time, diverse and emerging managers – to spend less time raising money, and more time helping companies succeed, is another way to accelerate impact.  Welcome to our second edition of The LiiST, an initiative of ImpactAlpha and Realize Impact to highlight impact funds...

The Liist #1: August 2022

The Liist logo

ImpactAlpha, August 2022 – Between the launch and the close is the raise.  Even impact fund managers with a compelling thesis, a solid pipeline and sometimes an enviable track record spend an inordinate amount of time fundraising. Every day spent pitching or presenting slide decks is a day not spent helping portfolio companies get the resources they need to scale their impact. For Agents of...

Gigawatt Global

Gigawatt Global logo

Gigawatt Global provides renewable electricity to some of the most challenging countries in Africa — geared to offering strong potential returns on investment while supporting humanitarian and social causes including clean energy, women's empowerment, health, education, access to clean water and food security.

GeekWire Give Back Award Winner (2022)

GeekWire Awards 2022

Pacific Northwest leaders who are wielding tech for good causes are doing great things — and Geekwire annually celebrates those efforts. This year there are three winners: Black Boardroom Initiative, Coding Dojo and, the last of those being a project of Realize Impact. When COVID-19 vaccines began widely rolling out in early 2021, it unleashed an anxious scramble to find...


VertueLab (header)

Realize Impact has invested to support VertueLab’s new Climate Impact Fund. VertueLab knows that clean technology is a critical key to solving the climate crisis. With the Climate Impact Fund, they are creating the conditions for innovation, shared economic prosperity, and environmental change by accelerating climate solutions to reach global scale. The Climate Impact Fund invests in...


C-Motive (header)

Our latest investment is to C-Motive, a startup with ultra-high efficiency and high torque motors using a novel approach based on electrostatic physics, instead of magnets. This investment was made, in-part, through our Decarbon8 fund along with two philanthropic co-investors. Most the investments we make would love additional investors. Contact us if you see any in our blog that catch your eye...

Regenerative Harvest Fund & Cairnspring Mills

Regnerative Harvest Fund image

A recent investment from Realize Impact’s philanthropic investment service is to Mission Driven Finance‘s new Regenerative Harvest Fund. In their words: The companies “in the ecosystem” that this fund might invest in include: Cairnspring Mills is one of those companies, and in a small world moment, coincidentally, Cairnspring Mills also received recently received an...