
$14 million

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Since launching in February 2020, in the first 25 months Realize Impact’s philanthropic investment grants service has seen: 139 donor-investors from 12 community foundations, 12 DAF sponsors, 12 family foundations… totaling $14 million… 167 transactions in total… 43 different impact investments.

The TerraFund

AFR100 TerraMatch

Six years ago, African leaders recognized that the degradation of 65 percent of the continent’s agricultural land threatens economic and environmental ruin for millions of farmers. They realized this just as the effects of climate change – lower crop yields, erratic rainfall, prolonged droughts – are making life harder for millions of farmers, herders, and city dwellers. That’s why African...

Helping 138 Donor/Investors make 41 impact investments

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2021 was a busy year for Realize Impact’s philanthropic investing service. 26 new investments, bringing the total since launch (a week before the pandemic lockdowns of 2020) to 41 investments. All of this capital was provided from what we call donor/investors. Donors, as Realize Impact is a 501(c)3, accepting donations from donor advised funds, family foundations, and directly from...

rePlant Capital

The fortieth investment of Realize Impact is rePlant Capital, a new investment fund focused on regenerative agriculture. Interest in regenerative agriculture is rising… quickly, as is corporate commitments supporting regenerative agricultural practices. That is leading to more organic farming in the US, expected to grow from 1% of U.S. farming acreage to 8%-10% by 2030. Realize Impact...

Donate your Zombies


In venture capital, a “zombie” investment is an investment into a perfectly good company, one that earns revenues and pays it payroll and bills, but which isn’t growing quickly and thus isn’t worth more than the investment capital. Some loans to SMEs (small and medium enterprises) can be zombies too, if the company is breaking even, earning enough to pay the payroll, rent...

#34, #35, #36 = $234,500 of investments October


Three more impact investments in October 2021: TechSoup, Beta Boom, and PlusMedia. TechSoup TechSoup provides discounts for nonprofits to technology solutions. The company ran a debt crowdfunding campaign for expansion of their service, and Realize Impact helped finish off that fundraising with a $75,000 investment. Beta Boom Beta Boom invests in under-the-radar founders building the future for...

#33 – The University Growth Fund

It’s not a class. It’s not a club. It’s not a case study. The University Growth Fund is a full-fledged investment firm, investing real money into companies, and entirely accountable to our investors. As students, they work extra hard to make the best investment decisions possible. Realize Impact invested in this fund not only because it helps teach venture capital to the next generation, but also...

Decarbon8: Time to Transform Transportation

Please meet the 2021 Decarbon8-US investees! We invite investors, donors of all sizes and types, and climate champions to join us in accelerating the climatetech revolution, to hopefully realize outsized gains and impact along the way. C-Motive Disruptive ultra-high efficiency and high torque motors for e-mobility, industry, renewables generation and more. Why we’re...

$1.5 million for the Truss Fund

The Truss Fund logo

Realize Impact added another $92,000 investment to the Truss Fund today. This fund makes loans to social enterprises addressing poverty in the developing world, specifically for pandemic-mitigation. This additional funding came from three donor/investors, bringing the total number of donor/investors recommending this investment to 23. The only more popular investment is the Decarbon-8 fund...

The Third Repayment, Aquacycle

Aquacycle logo

Back in 2020 four donor/investors used then then-new philanthropic investment service to recommend $177,800 of investment into Aquacycle, San Diego company with a novel technology for cleaning wastewater. Aquacycl® has developed the BioElectrochemical Treatment Technology (BETT®). The BETT® systems select and control natural bacteria for the purpose of accelerating wastewater treatment rates...