Did you know you can use your philanthropic “pocket” to make impact investments?
One term used for that is “venture philanthropy“, a mix of venture capital and philanthropy. Often one where the impact is just as important as the return on investment, if not more important.
What does this look like in action? It varies. From low interest (or 0% interest) loans to SMEs in the Global South, through funds like Beneficial Returns, to manufacturers who work with artisans in the emerging markets like Fuchsia Shoes, or an American healthcare company working on devices to save babies like Starlight Cardiovascular, or high tech cleantech companies like UbiQD. Four of dozens of examples of mission-driven for-profit companies Realize Impact has invested in through philanthropic investment grants (PHIGs).
This could also look like participation in impact funds, either one of those managed by Realize Impact, or others that we’ve invested in through PHIGs, like Gigawatt Global or the Regenerative Harvest Fund, managed by others.
Or beyond the Realize Impact portfolio, it could be one of the many funds announced in The Liist, the monthly list of impact funds actively raising capital published by Impact Alpha.
You can join in this too, using your donor advised fund, family foundation, or fresh donation, as Realize Impact is a 501(c)(3) public charity. No matter the source of capital, this process starts with the form on this page.